Energy Healing: Awakening & Embracing Your Inner Light

The path back to the heart starts with the first step towards self-care and the willingness to dive deep within. Engage in energy work and allow me to guide your journey. Dive deep within, and embrace the transformative power of energy healing.

Hello, beautiful YOU...

My name is Mila, and like you, I'm on an ongoing journey of expansion and remembrance of the powerful Healer within. Trusting my intuition and the Light Energies of the Universe, I've grown as a conduit for Energy Healing and a Self Healing Facilitator. With a deep passion for helping, I guide clients through their healing journey and spirituality, holding a sacred space in each session. Dedicated to encouraging trust and alignment from the heart, I believe in the abundant life each of us is meant to experience.

Mila, a compassionate and experienced healer, helping people to heal their body, mind, and spirit

My Healing Offerings

Body, mind, soul, and beyond. Sessions in English and Portuguese.

Either in person in Queenstown, NZ or online

Energy healer performing reiki on a person

Energy Healing

Through the connection to Love/Source, I serve as a conduit, or energy facilitator, for the energies that are always available to communicate, re-balance, re-align, help to release and integrate in order to bring you back to your original essence and state of Being. The session happens intuitively and I follow the guidance from Love/Source. Inner Child Work, Toning, and Light Language are some of the ways to assist. However, if you are more comfortable with a certain method, I’m trained and certified in a few different modalities such as QHHT, Reiki, The Bars, Chakra Balancing/Clearing, BlueStar healing, Holistic Pulsing, H.E.A.R.T. and therefore, I’m happy to work in a way that best suits you in order to remember that all is well. You’re held, loved, powerful beyond measure and you are already whole because you too, are Love. Energy is everything and it’s everywhere. We are energy and we are connected.

To learn more about this offering click here

Past life regression hypnosis

Quantum Hypnosis

Through the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, we connect to the Source within you in order to ask the questions and receive the answers, understand, release, and realign the physical, emotional, and mental bodies. This powerful and profound technique created by Dolores Cannon, is intended to promote any appropriate healing, plus provide answers to any aspect of your life by connecting, often through a past life regression, to your Higher Self.

To learn more about this offering click here.

For my next Group Hypnosis click here.

Mila providing a relaxing and healing massage

Healing Massages

Most of us already know the amazing benefits for the body, mind, and soul having a massage can deliver, such as calming the nervous system, improving blood circulation, relaxing the mind, and connecting us to the heart (when done appropriately). My intention, desire and invitation to you however, is to add and feel a deep sense of self-love and acceptance as my hands glide on your skin, dancing in the rhythm of your soul and the energies assisting/guiding me. A slow, connected, loving, respectful, nurturing experience while honouring the stories held in the body (the sacred temple of your soul) by being the presence of the Love that we are. This is not an ordinary massage experience to “fix” you. This is an invitation to Be. Receive. Relax. Trust. Love.

To learn more about this offering click here.

Kind Words From Clients

Embrace Your Divine Journey: Body, Mind, and Spirit Healing with Mila

Together, in our sessions, we create a sacred space for healing, working towards the full expression of your true divine being. Guiding and holding this space is an honour, and I'm deeply grateful to serve you with my talent, passion, and purpose, which I embrace with love and devotion.

My dedication is to encourage you to trust in yourself, reconnect to your intuition, and live from the heart, embodying the true expression of your whole being. For when you focus on honouring your true self, and aligning with the divinity within, you embark on the path to the abundant life you're destined to experience.

What kind of world can we create if we all focus on that? Ready to dive into the beauty of your perfect and divine being? Ready for a healing energy session? I am here for you, excited to guide and support you on your unique journey.

Heart to heart, hand in hand, and with much love always, Mila.

Creating a safe and sacred space for her clients to explore their healing journey

Connect To Grow

Take a step towards your healing journey. If you’re interested in booking a session or just getting in contact with me, kindly fill out the contact form below. I offer sessions either in person in Queenstown, NZ or online, Monday - Friday, from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Mila helps clients to reconnect with their true selves and live their best lives